Please contact the respective FERMANOX® dealer in your state if you are interested in a FERMANOX® water treatment system.


If you cannot find a contact person in your state, please contact Winkelnkemper GmbH in Wadersloh, North Rhine-Westphalia.

If you have general or technical questions, you can find your contact person here.

Please note that we only deliver to customers within the European Union.

Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony
Harzer Str. 111, 12435 Berlin
030 - 39 80 78 28

Your contact person:

Thomas Corti

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Fritz-Reuter-Straße 9, 17126 Jarmen
0162 - 6 49 94 73

Your contact person:

Mathias Wegner

All other federal states
FERMANOX® – Winkelnkemper GmbH
Krummer Weg 31, Wadersloh
02523 - 9590971

Your contact person:

Marcus Blotenberg

Holterweg 112 NL, 7427 RB Deventer, Niederlande
+31 (0) 570 - 510090

Your contact person:

Bert Flierman

Minister Lefevrelaan 8, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgien
+32 (0) 475 - 978661

Your contact person:

Pascal Desrumaux

All other countries
Krummer Weg 31, Wadersloh, Deutschland
02523 - 9590971

Your contact person:

Marcus Blotenberg

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